2nd grade

Hundred Board Number Puzzles

Monday, April 04, 2016

Hi Friends! I am dropping in quickly to share some freebies with you from one of my FAVORITE enrichment activities! I hope it is of help to you and your little geniuses!

I use Hundred Board Enrichment Puzzles to challenge my 2nd and 3rd grade students. I am in love with these puzzles because they are both FUN and MEANINGFUL. Each puzzle offers an interesting, non-routine way to develop important math concepts and critical thinking skills.

So, how do they work? Each Hundred Board puzzle provides a series of 4-6 mathematical clues. Students use the clues to determine the value of the mystery number. While the focus of each activity is numeracy, each puzzle includes a variety of upper elementary math skills, concepts, and vocabulary.

Here's an example from the 2nd grade pack:

Puzzle #8:
  • It is greater than the number of years in a decade.
  • It does not contain the digit that equals the number of sides on a rhombus.
  • It is not between the value of 4 nickels and 4 dimes.
  • The digit in the ones place = the number of inches in ½ a foot.
  • The sum of the digits is < 11. 

As you can see, the focus is on numbers and operations, yet students also need to apply geometry, measurement, time, and academic math vocabulary in order to solve this puzzle.

Here's an example from the 3rd grade version:

Puzzle #5:
  • The number is greater than the number of sides on a trapezoid.
  • The mystery number is less than the perimeter of a 6 by 6 array.
  • None of the digits are even.
  • The sum of the digits equals 8.
Again, the focus is on numbers and operations, but students also need to apply geometry, measurement, and perimeter in order to solve this puzzle. Fun, right!

There are 20 puzzles in each pack and the level of complexity increases as the puzzle number gets higher.

The puzzles come in color and black and white, so I can use them in a variety of ways. Some of my favorite uses include:
  • math centers and stations 
  • a printable packet for early finishers 
  • anchor activities 
  • learning contracts 
  • choice board activities 
You can download both of the activities shown above for free by clicking on the link below the image. I hope you are your students enjoy them as much as mine!

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