
3rd Grade Film Academy

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The members of my 3rd grade Film Academy presented the final cut of their video to the school today! They were so excited and felt like true celebrities! I am so proud of their hard work. Our Academy host and director was AMAZING! I can't believe how much he was able to accomplish in such a small amount of time. Click here to check out our fabulous, 4 minute music video. :-)

(digital art by Melonheadz)

One of my favorite parts of the academy was how the director helped the students explore the multiple meanings of Jack Johnson's song, "Shot, Reverse Shot." Not only did they learn about filming techniques, they also developed a better understanding of empathy, point of view, and perspective.

Without a doubt, the Academies were my FAVORITE part of the 2013-14 school year! You can learn more about the interest-based, enrichment Academies here. Once summer begins, I hope to write about the Academies in greater detail and share more examples of student work. If you have any questions or there is something in particular you'd like to learn more about, let me know in the comments! Thanks for checking in!

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  1. Hi Christy! I love this cute idea! Your kiddos should be so proud of themselves!

    I'm your newest follower- also a Virginia teacher!

    Fourth Grade Lemonade

  2. Hi Caitlyn! Thank you for checking out the video and leaving a comment! :-) Christy


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